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Builders & Developers System - IT Solutions & Software Developments

Stay Organized With Integrated Tools

Project, field service, maintenance, invoicing, documents, and much more....

Ground Breaking Project Management

All-in-one project hub. Manage all aspects of your construction project from one centralized dashboard. Use the top bar to handle all related records, from stock moves to planning shifts.

Business Applications

Builders & Developers System

In addition to its robust transactional capabilities, the Builders & Developers System offers a sophisticated suite of features to empower users in managing every facet of their real estate ventures. The platform provides comprehensive tools for financial management, allowing meticulous tracking of expenses, revenue, and overall profitability. Furthermore, the system facilitates seamless communication with stakeholders by generating detailed financial reports. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies the process of creating and managing payment schedules, ensuring transparency and efficiency in financial operations.

Moreover, the software incorporates advanced plotting functionalities, enabling users to visualize and plan the optimal subdivision of large plots into smaller units. The system's intuitive design allows for precise customization of plot sizes and allocation of specific plot numbers, streamlining the entire resizing process. This intricate yet user-friendly approach ensures that developers can efficiently navigate through the complexities of plot subdivision and allocation.

The Builders & Developers System goes beyond mere transactional management; it serves as a comprehensive solution to enhance operational efficiency. Through its seamless integration of financial tools and advanced plotting functionalities, the system empowers businesses to achieve precision and success in their real estate ventures.

Cloud-based, industry-leading technology combines all the tools you need into a single platform, making it easier than ever to run your business.

Multi-Level accounting module is integrated with whole software to save time of users by getting rid of transaction duplication.

Process flow:
  • Unit Setup
  • Customer Booking & Schedule Management
  • Payment Receipt
  • Customer Statement
  • Customer Follow Up
  • Analytical Reporting
  • Finance & Accounting Modul

Obtaining further information by make a contact with our experienced IT staffs.

We’re available for 8 hours a day!
Contact to require a detailed analysis and assessment of your plan.


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